Friday, October 24, 2008

New to this...

Just setting this up, I'm on vacation this past week so I have a little time while the toddler is napping...

I've been doing some deep soul searching trying to figure out why I've been packing on the pounds...well here's the list. I'm not laying blame, no one is putting a gun to my head but the thought process that gets me to there...we'll it's good to digest (no pun intended) by seeing the reasons that are floating through my head

  • A finicky toddler who's momma hates to waste food
  • A depressing situation with family
  • Thoughts that I thought I had dealt with, a certain person bringing these demon's to their head again...
  • A new, more stressful, more time consuming job where food is more plentiful
  • Less time to be active and the desire to spend what little spare time I do have with said toddler...
  • Fall and winter cold and my intolerance of being cold!
  • Availability of bad foods due to above mentioned dick head!
  • Pure bite won't hurt
  • Listening to news reports rather than my body...artificial sweeteners are bad for rather than just doing what works for me I listened and started drinking things I shouldn't have. Hey, if they are bad for what??? My 300+ lb. big behind wasn't good for my health either!!!
But I'm hopefully back on track. I've had to fairly OP days and was pleased that I didn't need the XXL sweater at Old Navy yesterday...and that the size 12's I bought fit and I don't have to go back into my teens ;). My life is getting back in order, the focus is returning and there's plenty to keep my busy, with fixing up the abode, holidays around the corner...and such...

So here's my stats

2003 - Started ww's (on my own with borrowed books) @ approximately 308 lbs.
2005 - Feb. Reached 220 lbs. and got preggo!
2005 - Oct. Had my sweet little angel and continued to loose, lowest weight up till 2008 165lbs.
2008 - Currently sitting at 195 :(