- Went to an aquaintance's house yesterday. This person was like a sister to me in the past...but in hindsight I see that I was always the benevolent one in the relationship and it really was a toxic relationship. I felt like I was on trial on whole time. So many questions asked in so many "creative" ways. This person doesn't agree with decisions I've made in regards to my marriage...nuf said...
- During this visit which spanned from late morning to late afternoon...carrots, water and tea were offered. That's right NO LUNCH. Grrrrrr...
- Since I didn't have lunch I was ravenous by dinner. Hubs wanted a burger for dinner...so I got him talked out of Wendy's...really nothing substantial to eat. We settled on Long John's and I got the "diet" fish. What a freaking JOKE...The portions were freaking small. Let me tell you I LEFT HUNGRY :(
- So today I thought I'd try a little retail therapy...it didn't work. I'm still Mrs. Cranky Pants...
1 month ago
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